Low of attraction | how to attract universe in our life
whatever is going on in your life, you are just attracting them in your life, do you know about this.
these are happening because of the rule of attraction, and they all are coming. or running in someone's mind as a form of a picture.
I mean what we think mostly think about, these have come back into our life. this is called the law of attraction.
How to achieve total Attraction of mind
according to (Prentis Mumford:- your all thought is a real power
Many of the greatest teachers of the world have told us that the law of attraction is the world's most powerful rule. derive our thought and get supporting results in our life.
This secret is present in Hindu rituals, Islamism, Buddhism, and many other civilizations cultures are full of this secret.
This secret was present in Babylon and Mishra's civilization and also in their story and in their writing.
The rule of attraction was unboxing himself from time to time in different civilizations.
How to attain secret power
Many of us want to get these tools of attraction and many of them get success and many of them are trying to get it. but the important thing is about that rule is anybody can search and get it, it is so simple.
the low of attraction has begun with the time and it was present in and would be forever.
The low of attraction control the universe of your life and is part of all feeling which we feel in our life.
there is no doubt about it. low of attraction doesn't care that who are you or where are you or your caste or you're religion it works on everyone's mind that is low of attraction.
this powerful tool gives a shape to your feeling, and your full emotion and controls them. This is the most powerful tool of your thought which you attract just thinking about them.
How the law of attraction works:

According to (john asaraph) to apply the law of attraction think yourself about a magnate and think of another magnate coming to me.
think you are one of the best magnates in the universe.
you have super magnitude power, which is most powerful than any other tool, and this power is created by our thinking process.
The rule of success says that what we think in our mind attracts another thing that just resembles it.
it means when we think about a matter it attracts another matter like this. so my dear friends think big and get big.
one another thought which says whatever we project in our mind, we can get them in our life really and it is so simple

Most of us don't know that there is a frequency of every thought.
we can measure our thought, which means if you concentrate continuously for a certain period of time it will be real automatically and it is the truth.
strong thought or mental projection is a magnitude code that reflects everything that we have created in our mind and we well are able to make them true in our life.