Cure Diabetes Reverse-Diabetes in 30 Days
Types of diabetes, main symptoms, and easy natural solution, reverse diabetes in 30 days guaranteed.
First of all, we have to understand what is Diabetes and why it happens, Diabetes is a disease where our body dined to regulate the level of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the main source of sugar in our bodies.
As we all know our body breaks down food into glucose and uses it as a source of energy, in healthy people insulin helps to regulate glucose levers, insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas.
There are three types of diabetes mellitus:
how to identify your types of debates?
Type (a) is the starting stage of diabetes, symptoms earlier known as insulin which dependent diabetes. People with this type of diabetes make little or no insulin in their bodies, and they need regular insulin injections for survival and management of diabetes. It usually starts in childhood but can occur at any age is usually happen before the age of 40.
Type (b) former name was known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes. This is the most common form of diabetes and is strongly associated with genetic tendency and obesity. The body produces normal or even high levels of insulin, but certain factors make its utilization ineffective.
Type (c) Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced diabetes. This type of diabetes is raised blood glucose levels during pregnancy. It develops in 5-10% of all pregnancies but usually disappears when a pregnancy is over. Women who have had gestational diabetes are at increased risk up to (40-50%)
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Symptoms of diabetes depend on the type and duration of diabetes there is some figure out which reflect some major symptoms related to high blood sugar levels.
It may occur in weight loss, especially if some amount of insulin made by the body is decreasing. If insulin deficiency is marked, the person can become drowsy and then go into a coma. When diabetes is completely out of control, it can also occur in DM2 Other symptoms of ketoacidosis include. Deep rapid breathing, sometimes with a fruity odor to the breath pain in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting.
What is the major risk for diabetes patients?
Indians Ethnicity
The family history of DM
Sedentary lifestyle
Gestational diabetes
How to reverse or diagnose diabetes
Diabetes mellitus is reversed with a high level of glucose or sugar in the blood. It would take several blood sugar tests to find out diabetes diagnoses
Fasting plasma glucose test: In this test, patients are asked to fast overnight for at least 8-10 hours and then the doctor checked their blood glucose level . a fasting plasma glucose level if an increase of more than 126mg/dl indicates diabetes mellitus. A Level of 110-125mg/dl is called “impaired fasting glucose”
Postprandial plasma glucose: this taste happens after 2 hours of having a meal, which serves as a challenge for the body to regulate blood sugar. Normal pp levels and a glucose level of more than 200 mg/dl indicate diabetes mellitus.
Oral glucose challenge test: This blood glucose is tested 2 hours after giving 75 gm glucose by mouth this is useful for detecting borderline diabetes and a condition called impaired glucose tolerance.”
Oral glucose tolerance test: this test is preferred in a way that diagnoses pregnancy-induced diabetes ideally all pregnant women in India should of a blood glucose test done 30 minutes after taking 50gm glucose. if it became abnormal, the lady should undergo an out.
What is the treatment for Diabetes?
As we have heard from many diabetes patients that it won't cure but it is totally wrong, remember who take birth they must die same if you have diabetes it must reverse but you must have to follow some rule which would take you to the place where you can get total freedom from diabetes, if you think I m delivering wrong information then don’t read further but I m just suggesting my best solution to you if you really want to reverse diabetes for more information click below on the reversed- diabetes picture and follow the instruction you will get all the information and freedom from your all worry.
Remember to be fit you just have to be active and it is most important for people who are suffering from diabetes. They must do some meditation to regulate and control their blood glucose level, you should be made some changes in their lifestyle and go for regular checks otherwise you go for reverse diabetes which would be a permanent solution for your diabetes.
What are the complications when you befall with diabetes?
Low blood sugar
Reason for blood sugar:
Basically when blood sugar reading increased more than180mg/dl
Anything that can raise your blood sugar missed taking daily does of medicine, being ill or stressed, these are the main basic reason for diabetes