Here's a common link between sleep and ageing.

See here’s a common link between sleep and aging.

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Have you ever thought that there may be a connection between sleep and aging if your answer is not then this post will help you a lot to understand a common link between sleep and aging?

The relation between sleep and aging.

As part of a recent study, researchers have found oxidative stress as the most common link between sleep and aging.

This research has suggested that oxidative stress leads to sleep and is also believed to be a reason why we feel or look aged. In many studies, it is found that says there are some also reasons seen as a cause of poor degenerative order or diseases.

You can’t say that is an accident carried by oxygen tanks explosion hazard labels:  the clear vision behind it is uncontrolled combustion which is very dangerous. Animals, including humans, face similar risks when they use the oxygen they breathe to convert food into energy: Imperfectly contained combustion leads to “oxidative stress” in the blood cells.

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It is said that the main reason for aging and a culprit for the degenerative diseases that blight our later years. Our new research shows that oxidative stress also activates the neurons who control whether we go to sleep,” 

what study says about the connection between sleep and aging.

explained Gero Miesenbock, lead researcher of the new study. The qualified team studied the regulation of sleep in fruit fliesAnimal who provided the first insight into the circadian clock nearly 50 before. 

You have to understand this word that each fly has a special set of sleep-control neurons, remember brain cells are also found in other animals and believed to exist in people.

In previous research Professor, Miesenbock discovered that these sleep control neurons act like an on-off switch; if the neurons are electrically active, the fly is asleep; when they are silent, the fly is awake.

So finally we have decided to look for the signals that switch the sleep control neurons on. We found from our earlier work at the main difference between sleep and woking is how much electrical current flows through two ion channels, called Shaker,” said Soho Song, one of the two lead authors of the study published in the Journal of Nature.

According to Ion channels who has generated and control the electrical impulses through which brain cells communicate.

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This Experiment has turned the big, intractable question that is “Why do we sleep?” into a concrete, solvable problem,’ said the song, ‘What causes the electrical current to flow through Shaker?’

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The Right answer link between sleep and aging

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The final team found the right answer in a component of the Shaker channel itself.

Lead author and postdoctoral fellow in the Weizenbock group, Anissa Kempf, explained: ‘suspended underneath the electrically conducting portion of Shaker is another part, like the gondola under a hot air balloon.

A passenger in the gondola, the small molecule NADPH, flips back and forth between two chemical states – this regulates the Shaker current, and the state of NADPH, in turn, reflects the degree of oxidative stress the cell has experienced, Sleeplessness causes oxidative stress, and this drives the chemical  conversion.’

In a striking demonstration of this mechanism, a flash of light that flipped the chemical state of NADPH put flies to sleep.

According to Professor Miesenbock, drugs that change the chemistry of Shaker-bound NADPH, in the same way, could be a powerful new type of sleeping pill.

Related: read also, how to care for your eyes at home.

Conclusion on a finding of the relation between sleep and aging.

Hope you all reader enjoys the information which I have here broadcasted for you and for your benefit moreover I want to say this very interesting story I have found in newspaper and though it is very important information and must have to spread to my all love once.

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The Source of this information is belonging to times of India.

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