SEO: 3 Steps to Generating 100K Free Organic Traffic

Seo training master tips to generate 100k visitors per month. easy SEO tips So I have a business idea starting a new marketing company, starting a brand new blog. 

It has zero traffic right now. What's the name of it? viewership. com? Okay, what's your goal? My goal is to get to 100,000 unique visitors in a year. What do you do per month?

3 steps sco

paid ads or no paid ads, no paid ads, and not using my YouTube traffic. I want Google organic. What's the goal of the business or a seal? A lot of people have a goal of I want to get 100,000 visitors a month? Is your market big enough? 
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Like you're not the consumer? It's obvious here in the marketing niche already know this. But your goal is to educate people on how to get more YouTube traffic, right. YouTube is one of the most popular sites, there's enough. 

There's a site called Social Blade. You've heard of it. They get millions of visitors a month. Now the question is, are you okay with giving away your secret sauce, right?
Yeah, yes, I am actually because I'm not doing info products for this. I'm doing an agency model.
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Okay. And you actually got the first part, right? See most people, they're like, I don't want to give them in my face. sauce and teach people all my tricks and they won't pay me. They got it all wrong, right? 
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The guys you can afford to pay you to have enough money when they don't give a shit to do it on their own. They rather just pay you and get the work done. Right, right. They're like Why can't I pay an agency or someone to do all my marketing for me? And oh, I read all your tactics on Adams website viewership. 

And because I like it, I trust them enough. So I rather just give them the money versus some random person. So the first step that you need to do is go out there and work with influencers. Now, here's what I mean by that. I'm not talking about going find people like me, or whatever it may be. 
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I'm on YouTube or any of that. I have a blog. I'm talking about going to find people who aren't on YouTube who have a big audience. And funny enough, it's actually a huge market. 

So if you look at how many popular blogs are out there, right, if you look at WordPress, there are so many, but there are not that many people doing video content. And I will start discussing with people who are really high-rank blog posts and industries that you're interested in helping out such as fitness. For example, there's a guy named Jeremy, who owns a company called Legion athletics. 
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They also own a site called muscle for life. It's a blog on fitness that gets over a million unique visitors a month. This is a multi-million dollar company. It's eight-figure plus business. So with them, they already get a ton of Google traffic. You already know YouTube and fitness are huge. 
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They already make over 10 million a year. Why not hit people like that up and be like, you know what, I want to create videos for you guys or you guys go create videos, but I want to show you how you can get more traffic on video than you can through text or why not combine both of them? 
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You're already crushing it from content marketing, what are the videos as well, right? And the reason I'm saying go accurate influencers is that these people will help you get more customers. See your big thing right now is you said I want to get to 100,000 visitors a month. Why do you want 100,000 visitors?

a totally arbitrary goal?

Okay, you know, what's the real reason?
No, I mean, the real reason is just to have traffic African to build a business.
Exactly. Why do you need the traffic to get business when you can already hit up people who had the business are making money, have the traffic, and are like, run 10 plus million a year, there are so many of these businesses. 

We don't know how to grow more, right? And coming to them with another channel that can help them expand like, Oh, this is a piece of cake. It's an easy way to generate business.

That's what I'm doing right now, by the way

with you. That's correct. And you should keep doing more of that. And now going back to your first question of how do you get to 100,000 visitors a month? Here's what I would do the foundation first, I would go and write amazing articles in your space about YouTube marketing. 

There are already other people who have articles on YouTube marketing, I'll do more in-depth guides, and then go reach out to every other person who's linked to those articles on YouTube marketing because you can go to buzz Sumo type in like YouTube marketing, YouTube SEO.

You didn't go take the most popular ones because they are based on social shares. You then go to HR Put in the URL of the sites, and you'll start seeing all the people link to them, hit them up, and beg them for a link. 

If your contents were more thorough they'll do it. You just be like, Hey, I'm Adam, check out my site called viewership. I got amazing content. I cover X, Y, and Z and A, B and C that they do. It really is that simple. 

And everyone's like, No, no, that doesn't work. It's a grind. But it works. If you send out 100 of those emails, you'll get like five links. And everyone's like, Oh, that's too much work. But if you do it because no one else is willing to, you'll get links, you get the links, and you'll start ranking higher on search engines.

So I'd be curious about your outreach process. Right, the internet is a vast place, And clearly, I mean, I don't necessarily want to personally go out and email every single person but I would if that's the right way. 

It really is a systematic, systematic process or you're just going up hitting out literally every single person yourself and just doing that is that though Yeah,

so my systematic processes. I do the outreach for link building, which I showed you. Yeah, I do the outreach or social shares using buzz Sumo and the third one is a link out to people naturally Yeah, not because I'm like, oh, they're my competition. 

I don't give a shit if they're my competition, they have amazing content, I'll promote them. And then I hit up them even if they're my competition be like, hey, you have amazing content, love it so much I haven't linked out to you feel free to share my article if you like it. 

And a  lot of your competitors will share your content, even if you're unknown, right? It works so well. So once I do those three strategies, and you test these templates, then I just go to work and I find someone like in India or places like this where they're smart and the labor is much more cost-effective. 

And I haven't done my outreach for myself and I just scale it up and have them they'll hire a few people or create an email address using Gmail at my Neil Patel calm and I haven't created an excel sheet of everyone they want to hit up and they have they set up the emails as a draft in Gmail, 

Wrexham using Gmail for my email, even though it's at Neil Patel because I'm using the Gmail company or whatever it's called. Yeah. And then what ends up happening is once I approve them all they can go and click the Send Venus. And that's how you scale it, 

you do it in mass quantity, and boom, you'll notice if you do this in the first three months, you start noticing some traction in your Google Search Console, you'll get impressions but not that much traffic. For six months, 

you'll get some, the 10 to 12-month mark doesn't your traffic really picks up and you have a good shot at hitting 100,000. But you have to have mainstream keywords. 

So use Google Keyword planner and make sure that traffic per keyword is higher, you can use Uber suggests, and then if the volume is high, you'll do well. 

But if the volume isn't high like if you're not going after keywords, they get more than like 30 40,000 searches a month, it's going to be hard to get the hundred thousand visitors a month, because you're only getting a fraction of that right you're not even getting the full amount.

So to sum it up, create awesome content, that's content that's better than everything else that's out there, and then push it out there

and get links naturally. So links and social shares, and it's just a grind and then use upward to outsource muscle work,

source of information: Niel Patel.

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