Can I Use Turmeric Honey Face Pack After Scrub

Before starting my views on turmeric and honey face pack you should know about the scrub, I mean what is a scrub, and how it is made. Scrub numbers of the type according to our need, We create scrubs by using different herbal ingredients like mustard, methi scrub, apple scrubs, and papaya scrubs There is a number of ways to prepare scrub.

turmeric honey mix paste for glowing skin.

What do scrubs do?

Scrubs are toning materials that help to remove dead cells, and blackheads and also maintain oil levels.

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Facial scrubs are relaxing, rejuvenating, and utterly enjoyable. Most Women at present time have an idea of how to use and how to prepare scrubs at home with natural ingredients. Sometimes we find women get worried because there, the scrub reflects negative results. So some questions arise like what to do after scrubbing the Face can we use a face wash after a scrub or can we use a turmeric and honey face pack after scrubbing?

Of course, you can use a turmeric and honey face pack after scrubbing. As above I have mentioned what is scrubs and what it does for you. But there are some ideas regarding your scrub:

face pack for women

First: Cleanse and exfoliate using a facial cleanser to remove dead cells and dirt.

Second: Vaporize with hot steam to open pores.

Third: Use a facial scrub to clean the dead skin.

Fourth: to answer the question after scrubbing the face what to do, apply a face massage of course.

Fifth: Apply the facial pack to draw out impurities from the skin, and wash with clean water.

Six: Finish with a moisturizer to prevent the skin from drying out.

Important note: Using a face mask after the scrub is important to retain and improve the benefits of a face scrub, and here are the top eight face packs to help you.

Honey and turmeric face pack:

We all know about honey and its beneficiaries properly which helps us to remove toxic elements from our bodies and it has a long well-known history. Women are using this to get their facial beauty from early history.

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woman talking

Honey is alone so powerful but if you can mix some other ingredients according to your need like turmeric this would be best to detoxify your skin and tighten your skin with the super glowing bright face we use this mixture on our face.

Applying honey to the face has numerous benefits and the easiest way to make your skin glow is by using a honey face mask. As it is extremely moisturizing, honey helps your skin retain, moisture to combat dryness. Honey is also rich in antioxidants that help in forming new skin cells to fight age.

 Moreover, it is naturally antibacterial so it's great for acne treatment and prevention. apart from these, honey also acts as a gentle exfoliate and pore cleanser to give you a clearer complexion. Thus, honey is a powerhouse for skincare, and using honey for the face is the answer to all your skincare woes.

Honey face pack for Dull Skin.

While the lemon juice in this face pack brightens your skin, honey acts as a moisturizer. Apart from those two benefits, this mask also fights acne and diminishes signs of aging. Thus this face packs an all-rounder for healthy skin.


1 TBS raw honey, 1 tsp Lemon Juice


Combine the two ingredients and apply this to your cleansed face. wash it off after 20 minutes. After washing the face pack off, apply an oil-free moisturizer. For best results, use this mask daily.

Honey Face Pack For Glowing Skin.

Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components which brighten your skin and add a glow to it. And when you add honey to it, you get a powerhouse of nutrients that work together to give you amazing skin. Additionally, these face packs also fight acne and have been proven effective by thousands of women around the world.


 1 TBS Raw Honey and 2 TBS Multan mitts.


From a paste of Multan mitts and honey. Add a little bit of water if required. Now apply this paste to your face. Let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse with normal water. You can use these two to three times a week.

Honey for face - anti-acne

When the anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon are combined with the anti-microbial properties of honey, you get a potent combination that is great for acne removal. As both of these ingredients are gentle on the skin, they soothe inflamed skin while their healing properties help fight acne.


2 TBS Raw Honey and 1 TBS cinnamon


Make a mix of these two ingredients and apply them to your cleansed face. Wash it off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. You can use this pack daily in case you have persistent acne issues.

Honey face mask for Dry Skin

Avocado is rich in vitamins and also contains high-quality Vitamin E, healthy fats, and antioxidants which are all essential for healthy skin. thus, when applied to your face, Avocado keeps your skin soft and smooth. When combined with honey, this forms a nourishing and moisturizing acne-fighting mask that will give you vibrant and glowing skin.


2 TBS Raw honey and 1/2 Ripe avocado


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Mash the avocado and add honey to it. Now, apply this mixture to your cleansed face. wash it off after 10 to 15 minutes. As both the ingredients are gentle on the skin, this mask can be used daily.

 Some very important questions and answers on the face pack.

Q. Using scrubs after face pace may cause skin problems.

Ans: No, not at all. you can use scrubs are used to smooth your skin and remove dirt and oils to it is safe.

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Q. Does turmeric and honey mask beneficiary for skin

Ans. Yes, this mixture is a healthy choice for skin purification. and also for skin glowing.

Q. How much turmeric and honey should I use for face benefits?

Ans.: Well, it depends on your face type, but at least you should apply twice a week for better results.

Q. Can I use a honey lemon and turmeric face mask for dry skin?

Ans.: yes, you can use it, mostly you should apply it at night to get bigger results in a short time. This mixture would remove all the toxic elements from your skin.

Q. Is there any harm in applying a turmeric face mask every day?

Ans.: No there is no harm, if you apply it every day you will get your desired beauty and glow in no time. But there is one problem with it to apply it and that is your face looks yellowish.

Q. Can I use a turmeric face mask for acne scars?                                                   
Ans.: Sure, you can

Q. Does a turmeric face mask help to lighten skin?

Ans.: Yes, it works to lighten skin and also helps to reduce skin impurities.

Q. How much time it will take to get, the turmeric face mask result?

Ans.: To get fair and spotless skin you must invest your time, in at least 2week you will find your results.

Q. Can you use turmeric on your face every day?

Ans.: Yes you can.

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beautiful skin


every day women are looking for homes cheap with the best ingredients that help them hide their aging signs from their faces. They are spending lots of money on facial products every day just by visiting spas and parlors, however, they got the right to secrete glowing skin which is available in their home kitchen and they started to use it. as honey and turmeric is the best choice for glowing skin you should consult a doctor before applying them.  according to your skin types which helps you to understand your skin types and how to make them more attractive.

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