How to fix a toxic relationship| 7 proven tricks

From stalking to physical abuse, how Bollywood movies glorify toxic relationship habits.
In the long past we the common people like to watch movies, dramas,s and many plays for amusement. Which makes us happy and feel the love in our life. this is the relationship that godded women from cosmetic surgery to vaginal surgery.  Now the time has changed and we love to watch movies at home or in the theater which make us happy and give us too many ideas for changing our thought and that is the main reason which has changed our lives and we are Appling that toxic idea which is causing toxic relationship in our life. Let us see how movies are compelling us to do toxic activities in real life. But before knowing this we have to know what is a toxic relationship.

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What is a toxic relationship?

A toxic relationship is a part of your relationship which filled with negative emotions by behaviors on the part of the toxic partner that is emotionally and, not infrequently, physically damaging to their partner. While a healthy relationship contributes to our self-esteem and energy of love and renunciation. toxic relationship damages self-esteem and drains energy. social media is also a big platform that creates toxicity in our relationships. A healthy relationship involves mutual caring, respect, and compassion, an interest in our partner’s welfare and growth. And the ability to share and decision-making, in short, a shared desire for each other’s happiness. A healthy relationship is a safe relationship, a relationship where we can feel joy without fear, a place where we feel comfortable and secure. A toxic relationship indicates fear and lots of doubt. A toxic relationship is characterized by insecurity and self-centeredness. Dominance, control. We risk our life and everything with toxicity.

Keep in mind that it takes two individuals to shave a toxic relationship. Initially, we’ll look at the behaviors of the toxic partner. but we must look equally hard at the individual who is the recipient of the toxic behavior. And we must ask, Why? Why does an adult stay in a relationship that will almost inevitably damage him or her emotionally and/or physically? And what, if anything can we do short of leaving that might help mend such a relationship with Indian women? We’ll examine both of these questions later. First, however, let’s examine toxic behaviors and relationships in more detail.

Types of a toxic relationship.

Even a good relationship may have brief periods of behaviors we could label toxic on the part of one or both partners. Human beings, after all, are not perfect. Few of us have had any formal education on how to relate to others. We often have to learn as we go, hoping that our basic style of relating to significant others – often learned from our parents and/ or friends – is at least reasonably effective.

A toxic individual behaves the way he or she does essentially for one main reason: he or she must be in complete control and must have all the power in his or her relationship. Power-sharing does not occur in any significant way in a toxic relationship. And while power struggles are normal in any relationship, particularly in the early stages of a marriage, toxic relationships are characterized by one partner absolutely insisting on being in control. Kip in mind, that the methods used by such an individual to control his or her partner in a toxic relationship may or may not be readily apparent, even to their partner.

With the above in mind let’s examine some of the more common types o dysfunctional behaviors that a toxic partner may use in a relationship with a significant other. These categories should not be seen as exclusive. Frequently, a toxic individual will use several types of controlling behaviors to achieve his or her ends. Also, the examples below are most typically seen in marriages and/ or other committed relationships. They can certainly occur in parent-child interactions or friendships.

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 How movies are indulging toxic elements in life

India is a country with over 130 crore people and most have access to, if not own, a television. And where there is a television there will be Bollywood movies and for those who could afford a movie ticket, there are numerous movie halls and multiplexes to choose from. A person whose exposure to Bollywood movies begins before he could even speak properly, naturally, would end up learning about many important aspects of life from movies, including his ideas of love, romance, and relationships. Unfortunately, we cannot say that Bollywood movies are the best teachers when it comes to love and relationships. Whether you like it or not, many times Bollywood movies glorify toxic relationship habits and we aren’t even aware of it. Let’s see how:


There are so many examples of Hindi movies that glorify stalking that the young generation might think of it as something very normal. Let’s start with the movie Rehana Hai Terre Dil Mein’ where the protagonist played by Madhavan not only stalked the girl he was in love with (played by dia Mirza) but impersonates someone else (the man her parents have chosen for her but she hasn’t met him) to come close to her! And how can we forget the 90s blockbuster ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hain’ where Shah Rukh Khan climbs a ladder to reach Rai Nukherjee’s bedroom and that too after meeting her just recently Boys and girls, stalking is not normal, in fact, it can be counted as a criminal offense if the victim complains about it?

Toxic masculinity and physical abuse

Everything is fair in love and war, isn’t it? No. Physical abuse and toxic masculinity aren’t acceptable in any relationship. Recently the movie ‘Kabir Singh became the talk of the town for many reasons—Shahid Kapur’s excellent acting skill was one and his character Kabir Singh's toxic masculinity and physical abuse were another. Kabir loved Preeti but that didn’t give him the right to hit her, bully her or force his decision on her. But this is not the only movie. Have we forgotten about ‘Tere Naam’? That movie became so popular that even school-going boys started copying the lead character Radhe’s mannerisms and hairstyle. Physical abuse by a partner is a criminal offense and toxic masculinity is nothing to be proud of.

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Losing one’s identity to be liked by a partner

Oh! Nothing can beat this. Remember the movie ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hain’ where the tomboy (played by Kajol) tried to change herself to get the attention of Rahul (Shah Rukh Khan): she ends up being ridiculed. In the second half of the movie, we see a completely different Anjali—one who wears a saree puts on make-up and has long hair! Rahul finally falls in love with the new Anjali. Not only this but there are also so many Bollywood movies that glorify the need to change to become desirable. If you are in love and in a relationship, your partner should accept you the way you are.

The obsessive-compulsive need for attention

Most Bollywood love stories show that it’s normal for a lover to seek attention. There is a thin line differentiating the need for attention and the obsessive-compulsive need for attention. From Asshique 2’ to ‘Kabir Singh’ to ‘Pyaar tune Kya Kiya’ there are innumerable movies that glorify the obsessive attention-seeking habit of a lover. Anything that can make a partner uncomfortable cannot be good for the relationship, right?

Why Bollywood movies are bad examples

A lot of young people imitate or follow in real life what they see on screen. The actors they adore, inspire the youth to be like them and many are misled into thinking the roles their favorite actors play as ideal. That is now many people develop their ideas of love and romance in real life. Take everything with a pinch of salt because reel life is not real life.

What to do

The bad news is that you cannot change your partner. The good news is that you can change yourself which may lead you to behave differently with your partner, resulting in your partner deciding to change his or her behavior. Essentially what you do is calmly but firmly confront the toxic behavior. You do this by identifying the behaviors to your partner, letting him or her know they are no longer acceptable, and suggesting alternate behaviors that would work better. Simple, isn’t it?

When you first confront a toxic partner you can expect that he or she will actually escalate their controlling behaviors. You have to be able to handle whatever they do. You have to stay calm and firm and simply repeat your request. If your partner refuses to change, consider separating from the relationship for 30 days. You should then talk with them again, repeat your requests, and let them know that you will not stay in the relationship if they continue their toxic behavior. If they once again refuse to change, you need to enable the relationship if they promise to change but relapse, repeat the cycle one more time. The bottom line. You can attempt to seriously improve a toxic relationship only if you’re prepared to leave it.

What if you have parents who behave in a toxic manner? Fortunately, as an adult child, you do not live with them 24/7, and you likely have the support of a significant other in dealing with them. Essentially you need to deal with a toxic parent in the same way you would deal with a toxic prater: 

You confront the controlling behavior, offer alternative ways the two (or three) of you could relate, and see what happens. If your parents refuse to change their behavior which, as mentioned above, will usually be controlled by toxic guilt induction, you will need to severely limit their contact with you. Since few of us would, or should, totally abandon an elderly parent who may need our help, you’ll probably maintain some contact with them, but you’ll need to take control of the relationship. Not an easy task, but by taking control – for example by limiting phone calls, by you choosing when you do or do not see them, etc. – you may be able to offer them the help they need while keeping your emotional equilibrium.

We often label those who stay in toxic relationships as “co-dependent:” but they may well be. Co-dependency is, in my opinion, a result of low self-esteem that can make it very difficult to follow the plan I’ve suggested. Again, if you’re in a toxic relationship and having trouble, or are reluctant to effectively confront your partner’s behavior, seek therapeutic help. You might well profit from joining a “co-dependency” group. By all means, read books and/ or use the internet to find other techniques to help yourself develop the self-esteem and self-confidence you need to live without a toxic relationship.


Our life is made with a relationship without a relationship we can’t live our lives and always take care of our loved ones and if fail to do this our life vanishes. And one most important thing here which you have to mind is that don’t do ever what you see in the cinema because they create this type of scene just for fun and the majority of views help them make more money.

Your life is a definition of love and I would say spread love in your life with confidence. If you feel something wrong in your relationship you must be asked your partner doesn’t hold such a question inside which lead to toxic elements in your heart because it is a danger to you.

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