PUBG ban in India: How to deal with mental health.

PuBG brand in India is one of the largest countries on this globe and if we talk about the population it is the second-largest after China. India is a big market in the world so all foreign countries try to convert India as their market so many app digital products are arriving in India to sell and make a profit BUBG is one of them that has a big market in India.

PUBG ban india

Who Play PUBG

Most teenagers and adults like to play PUBG Games on their mobiles which make them happy and also help them to spend their spare time.

But later we find that India and China lost their love and a controversial situation arrived at Gal wan valley this is the place that leads to many disturbances among Indian and Chinese businesses.

The later Indian government decided to ban the Chinese apps because of national security issues but before this Gal wan valley situation was not disturbing to our government that there are national security issues.

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In the midst of Coronavirus and Border issues, Country leaders open their eyes and find that these apps are against the rule of security. Otherwise, everything was ok.

Do agree that is called patriotism I am unable to identify however it is patriotism. If any country is attacking your motherland you have to Wright to fight back and do whatever is possible for the sake of our motherland. But here in our country, everything has politics and if they did not fit with the ruling party they would do anything they like.

A good government first things about their own subject and after that, they will decide any precaution measurement for everyone but I think our country’s leaders didn’t do anything like this and without any proper planning, they started banning apps or other products that are not a symbol of good government.

So don’t want to talk more about the final decision on our country's sovereignty but the effects of These bans lead to many mental health problems in India that include.

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The government of India has further banned 118 Chinese apps, after pulling the plug on 59 Chinese apps on June 29 and banning 47 more apps, just a month later, which cloned restricted apps in India.

Amidst the list of banned Chinese-owned applications, the most controversial one remains the Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) an immensely popular battle royal game in India, while PUBG’s desktop version was also a hit amongst the gamers, it was the free app version available on Google Play Store and Apple App store that gradually amassed a cult-like following.

The Problem with PUBG

While the app may have been banned in India on the grounds of national security and data theft, it should be noted that roughly 25 percent of PUBG players in the world belonged to India. 

Infect, there are close to 50 million active PUBG players in India and the app was downloaded over 175 million times over the summer. The immensely popular battle royal game has also been in the news owing to its addictive nature and impact on a gamers’ mental state.

pubg ban and mental health

The multiplayer online game simply follows a pattern of multiple players collecting automatic guns in a random location and killing the 99 other players to win the match. 

The approach is simple, it is a winner-take-all, kill-or-be-killed battle royal. This simple and easily accessible nature of the game has given rise to PUBG addiction in various age groups in India. Infect, there have been several disturbing reports of injuries, suicides, and murders either through direct or indirect involvement of the PUBG game.

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The tales of scary PUBG addiction

According to reports, a fitness trainer from Jammu has been admitted to a hospital after PUBG addiction made him partially lose his mental balance. 

The highly addictive nature of the game was further brought to light when a teenager in Punjab reportedly his character in the game. Yes, 16 lakhs. 

These incidents are a scary reminder of the fact that why addiction to digital and/or video-gaming activities has been officially defined as a Gaming disorder.

What happens now?

As per my knowledge, India is the country where people want free stuff to use and this game is totally free that has helped them to become addicted but before using this game nobody did know that this will happen and now we are facing a drastic situation in our country.

The growing popularity of PUBG has also paved the way for several professional mobile game tournaments, which had given rise to the professional gaming industry in India. 

While professional gamers will now have to think of switching to a different battle royal game, it is of paramount importance to gently guide and pay attention to the mental state of habitual gamers in light of the PUBG ban.

What is a gaming disorder?

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The sudden ban on online games may lead to a drastic shift in the behavior and mood of gaming addicts.

For a lot of people, their day began and ended on their PCs and smartphones, spending more than ten hours a day playing the battle royal. This abrupt shift in their routine needs to be cautiously monitored by parents, guardians, and other family members. 

They should also note if the gamer is exhibiting any tell-tale signs of gaming disorder.

What is a gaming disorder?

Gaming disorder is a mental misbalance that your inner thought drives and if you are not getting the game that disturbs your wisdom and it starting to misbehave with yourself you may do some unusual activities because of gaming disorder. 

As per the World Health Organization, gaming disorder is defined as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming. As per the health agency, there are five warning signs that you are suffering from a gaming disorder. These are:

Gaming becomes the dominant activity

Your life begins to revolve around particular games and you either think about your previous games or anticipate your next game.

Impaired control over playing time

No matter how hard you try, you are not able to put a pause on your gaming time.

Escalation of gaming despite negative occurrences

Even when you do understand that gaming is wreaking havoc on your overall quality of life, you continue to play the game.

Loss of interest in previous hobbies and entertainment as a result of, and with the exception of, video games.

Withdrawal symptoms.

You get irritated, anxious, sad, or even depressed if you are not allowed to play the game.

WHO has released guidelines that would help you to diagnose your behavior whether you are a game addict or not and how to deal with it. 

This addiction can ruin your personal and educational social life you won’t be able to perform your regular duty if you are addicted so be careful and do as per your doctor directly for good health.

PUBG addict? Help is here

It is important to understand that gaming disorder has been officially recognized as a disease and if you need help overcoming the addiction, help is closer than you think. 

Just like In the case of any other type of addiction, reaching out to a therapist or a mental health counselor will help you replace addictive thoughts about the games and teach you to slowly limit if they help. If you feel extremely agitated and anxious over the PUBG ban, it is important that you seek professional help as soon as possible to help you navigate these testing times smoothly.

Final words…

Addiction to anything is bad for you and your health sometimes your addictions can disturb your whole family so be careful while you are going to use anything in your life.

Must think about their consequences then only apply for your life or for anything otherwise book a sit in the hospital and get admission. 

parents should care there offspring what they are doing out of their sight this will help them to save those befallen into the dark shadow of the gaming world and help them to build a powerful mind that is everyone's need. because of the PUBG ban in India. 

source of information: Times of India







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