Link between vaginal Birth and C-section

 Vaginal birth or Caesarean Section are the two ways for a baby to appear in this living world. It is not certain that you have to choose vaginal birth or Caesarean Section birth it depends on the condition of the patient’s health condition. And then doctors decide what will be best for the safety of the baby and mother. There are some risks of vaginal birth that you must have to understand before choosing it for delivery.

vaginal birth vs C-section birth picture

The term Caesarean Section is widely known as C-section. It is the short form of the Caesarean Section. It means doctors cut your lower abdomen to remove the baby from your womb safely.

There is a special requirement for c-section baby birth, and these requirements depend on the pregnant lady’s health condition and are measured by risks of life for both. And then any doctor chose C-section delivery at the place of normal or vaginal delivery of any child.  

Risk factors that compel a doctor for C-section.

·        Obstructed labor. This is also known as a labor dystopia, it is done when the baby does not exit the pelvis during childbirth due to being physically blocked.

·        Twin pregnancy, twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy they also compel c-section birth because of the lifetime risk of the baby.

·        High blood pressure is occurring due to a disorder that is known as Pre-eclampsia and often removes most of the mother’s protein in the urine. It breaks down the red blood cell.

·        Breech birth- it happens when a baby is born bottom first instead of head first. As is normal around 3-5% of pregnant women at term have a breech baby.



·        Placenta or umbilical cord- The placenta is a temporary fetal organ that begins developing from the blast cyst shortly after implantation. It plays a critical role in facilitating nutrients and is an important endocrine organ producing hormones that regulate both maternal and fetal physiology during pregnancy. 

T     umbilical cord is a conduit between the developing embryo or fetus and the placentas. During parental development.

·        Shape of mother’s pelvis- the pelvis is either the lower part of the trunk of the human body between the abdomen and the thighs or the skeleton embedded in it.

·        According to a request- Caesarean delivery on maternal request is a birth that happens only when it is requested by the pregnant woman without a medical reason.

 A c-section may also be scheduled ahead of time because a woman has an infection threat. She would pass along to her baby during birth, such as HIV or genital herpes, or if she experiences problems with the placenta during her pregnancy.

According to surgery specialists, a C-section takes 45 minutes to an hour. And done with a spinal block, it means the lady is awakening or maybe general anesthesia. In these cases, the doctors use a urinary device catheter to drain the bladder and the skin of the abdomen is then cleaned with an antiseptic.


For the C-section, birth doctors make a cut that is known incision this is a about 15 cm long cut made on the mother’s lower abdomen. After this c-section incision of the uterus.  Then opened with a second incision and then they can remove a baby that is known for birth after a c-section.

A–C–section may also be necessary for certain situations, such as delivering a very large baby in a mother with a small pelvis or the baby is not in a heads-down position, and efforts to turn the baby into this position before birth have been unsuccessful. 

In this case, a woman can start breastfeeding as soon as she is out of the operating room. It will take several days up to two weeks to be normal to discharge from the hospital these are some other consequences of a c-section birth.

Some common risks during c-section delivery.

C- Sections result in a small overall increase in poor outcomes in low-risk pregnancies. They also typically take longer to heal from about six weeks in some cases than vaginal birth. C-sections may increase the risks of breathing problems in the baby and amniotic fluid and also it may increase postpartum bleeding in the mother so you need how to care about postpartum for an infection-free free happy life. It is necessary to understand that C-sections are not to be used before 39 weeks of pregnancy without any critical medical emergency.

World Vision on C-section delivery.

As pre-record of 2012, almost 23 million C-section delivery of babies were done globally. According to the international healthcare community, the rate of c-section birth rate was. 10 to 15% globally. In this list, at least 45 countries are members that show their data for c-section delivery with a minimum rate of 7.5% of these births. In this scenario, these efforts are being made to both improve access to and reduce the use of C-sections.

globally rate of C-section birth

With the introduction of antiseptics and anesthetics in the 19th century, the survival of both the mother and baby and thus the procedure became significantly more common for C-section birth. 

Read also: solution of vaginal itching after the baby's birth.   

Regardless of how they decide to give birth, “women should be as informed as possible about their childbirth options, so they can have a voice in the process, advocate for what they want, and make the most informed choice. Here is more information about the pros and cons of the two birthing methods.

Which is better C-section or vaginal birth?

Well, no one wants to bear the pain. So, how a woman can wish to wear pain and this is the highest level of pain. It is the second birth of any woman while giving vaginal birth. But the reality is different.

Cesarean section is recommended only when vaginal delivery might pose a risk to the mother or baby or both. C-sections are also carried out for personal and social reasons on maternal requests in some countries.

What is the medical use of C-sections?

Complications of labor and the risk factor may increase vaginal delivery to C-section.

·        Abnormal presentation

·        Fetal distress

·        Cord prolapsed

·        Uterine rupture or an elevated risk thereof

·        Hypertension in the mother or baby after amniotic rupture

·        Tachycardia in the mother or baby after amniotic rupture

·        Failed labor induction

·        Large baby weighing.

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Pros of vaginal birth for the mother

Vaginal birth is a natural birth that is offered by nature to women to bear the pain during childbirth. Vaginal birth is a way that teaches a mother the importance of being a mom; it teaches becoming a mom is not easy to process you have to pay a lot to become a mom of your own child.


Vaginal birth is a long process of birth and it is an old-fashioned process that takes a long time and women have to suffer unbearable pain throughout the birth.  However there are many health benefits to this process for mother and baby compared with a C-section.

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Natural vaginal birth may take a long time that may take up to 48 hours to complete and in the meantime, the woman compels to bear the pain also there are chances that she can be infected with infection. It stretches your vagina badly. And many more that happen in vaginal birth and you can skip while choosing C-section birth.


Cons of vaginal birth for the mother

The bad consequences of vaginal birth for a mom than a c-section are here.

Vaginal birth stretches your groin mussels, it can tear your vagina, and increase the infection. It takes time to recover and gain reshape the vagina after vaginal birth. In a vaginal birth, your baby moves through the canal and then comes out which increases many life-threatening risks for both mom and baby.

Some studies have found that women who have delivered vaginally are more likely to have problems with bowel or urinary incontinence than women who have had C-sections. They may also be more prone to leak urine when they cough, sneeze, or laugh.

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After a vaginal delivery, a woman may also experience lingering pain in the perineum



Pros and cons of vaginal birth for the baby

Vaginal birth is good for babies compared with C-section birth. Vaginal birth goes through a vaginal tube and then the baby takes birth. So this process makes it healthier than that of a C-section. In this case, the mother can see their child just after birth and can feed her breast.

vaginal birth Vs C-section

Vaginal birth helps a baby to make their lungs stronger. So, it creates a strong shield against lung infection or breathing problems. This process also helps the baby to intake healthy bacteria during birth, which travels in the birth canal boosts the baby’s immunity systems, and helps to improve the baby's mental health.

If a woman had a long labor or if the baby is large and delivered vaginally. One of the risks is that the baby may get injured during the birth process itself, resulting in a bruised scalp or a fractured collarbone, according to the Stanford School of medicine.

Pros of C-section for the mother

As we have mentioned above in this article, who is eligible for C-section but it doesn’t have many positive advantages for C-section birth. But, when you are going for a C-section birth it

may help you to, reduce your life risk; remove your extreme pain, etc.

Cons of C-section for the mother

C-section is a shortcut for long delivery taking time in normal delivery. C-sections usually take up to one week to discharge from the hospital. This type of delivery is the invention of modern science and helps the woman to use a shortcut of vaginal birth. It can create a safeguard against infection and pain.

C-sections may increase the risk of blood loss while incision for delivery. And the risk of infection can injure your bowel or bladder during an operation. There are high chances for blood clots when choosing a C-section for birth.

A review study has found that women, who have had a C-section, are less likely to begin early breastfeeding than women who had a vaginal birth.

In the C-section, women have to suffer from abdomen-related problems that can infect nerves and internal skin which may take a long time to recover.

According to a French study on C-sections, three risk points can cause a woman to Apply for C-sections for baby birth. Because of, infection, blood clots, and complications from anesthesia.

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C-section delivery is an open door for making a shortcut, that would continue in the future with your next pregnancy. This C-section delivery may increase your complications with an infection while applying this method for baby delivery. So it is advisable you don’t try it whether it is necessary. First, prepare for your pregnancy and do as your doctor says for normal delivery. Can, save you from future pregnancy-related health issues. Whether C-section is easy but not good for your baby’s overall health.



Pros and cons of C-section for the baby

C-section birth is not a good choice for the next generation it may create health issues with your child in the short term or may last for life. Such as breathing problems or it also appears in the form of ADD (Attention Disordered Deficiency) and your baby becomes a fool for a lifetime or you have to spend lots of money and time to treat them.

According to child experts, C-sections may link to your health. This is the reason that never clears. Many surgical studies have proved that there is a link between babies who are delivered by a C-section with their health. So don’t try until it is life-threatening. C-section is for those who have problems with natural birth. Such as a woman who is unable to deliver the baby by vagina there are lots of issues you can read above in this article. So choose normal delivery and avoid C-Section for your and your baby’s good health.

Final Word…

Vaginal birth Vs C-Section If you have to compel to choose then you go with vaginal birth because it is the natural way that is a very healthy process for you and your baby. Although it takes time and a woman has to suffer from pain, tears of the vagina, and stretch of the cervix but this process is a natural process. This process makes your baby healthy for life. C-section is a medical science invention that is important to save the life of a mother or child while giving birth.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Is C-section or natural birth more painful?

Well, vaginal birth is more painful than a C-section birth. C-section birth may be complete within an hour and doctors use anesthesia for patient relief but in natural birth (a vaginal birth woman has to bear the pain until the baby is come out and this process takes hours, so it is proved that natural birth is more painful than C-section.

Which is better C-section or normal delivery?

According to child specialists, normal delivery is better than C-section delivery because normal delivery is a natural process and builds up child immunity and lungs stronger than C-section.

Are C-section babies different?

Yes, in most cases a baby delivered by C-section has some health issues such as breathing problems and lower mental ability so it is said that a C-section baby is different.

Which is more expensive C-section or natural birth?

A C-section is more expensive than normal delivery.

Why do doctors prefer C-sections?

Doctors choose C-sections only when they find that without a C-section child or mother may die during birth so they prefer C-sections to save the life of the mother or baby or both.

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Disadvantages of C-section?

Well, C-sections have many complications for the baby and mother. A C-section is a shortcut to natural birth.

With a C-section, a baby may suffer from asthma.

A C-section may make a baby dull.

C-section delivery side effects?

Side effects, or, disadvantages are the same for C-section delivery you can read the above in this article.

C-section vs natural birth reviews?

For the answer to this question, you must read the entire article, this article is focused on this question so please read the full article to understand the matter.

Disadvantages of normal delivery?

There are some disadvantages of normal delivery and they are

Normal delivery is likely more painful,

It tears your groins

It stretches your cervix,

It needs time to cure and can affect your sexual life after birth.


Would you rather have a C-section or a natural birth?

For me, I prefer natural birth because it is good for a child's overall health.


Output source for this information.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 

 Stanford School of Medicine: birth injury: 

 CDC stats: Births –Methods of delivery: 

 Wikipedia normal delivery vs.C-section:


All the information is just for knowledge purposes only. (Please consult your doctor before taking any action).




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