Know About Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) Before Using.

What is the IUD?

IUD stands for Intrauterine Device that is used for contraceptive purposes. IUD devices are small device that is inserted inside the vagina so that you can stop unwanted pregnancy. 

women with baby

This device has a long history because in ancient time woman used many different types of herbs for contraceptive this idea has changed its form and now it is available as a form of IUD that help a woman to stop unwanted pregnancy.


At present time 10 out of 1000 women like to use this device for contraceptives. In the market there many brands are available for IUD devices. You can choose according to your choice or for your doctor’s recommendation. And the devices available in the market are (ParGard uses cooper for contraceptives), Mirena, Liletta, and Skyla. These all devices use estrogen or progestin types of hormones to stop pregnancy.

How does an IUD work?

Most IUD devices uses hormone such as estrogen or progestin but Para Gard is the device that uses copper wire for contraceptive uses.

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Paragard is a different type of Iud that uses an Inflammation response inside your vagina for contraceptive purposes. But there are no changes in results whether you are using hormonal devices or copper devices your result would be the same. So there is no need to worry that which should be used.

Paragard uses copper that is very toxic for sperms and as sperms touch copper, it destructs itself because of a toxic relationship between sperms and copper. One other important piece of information about ParaGard is that you can use it for up 10 years for contraceptives.

Other IUDs such as Mirena devices have different working principles compared with Paragard. Mirena devices work to make thin the lining of the uterus so that sperms can’s reach there and stop pregnancy. This device uses progestin types of hormones that help to thicken mucus and stop ovulation.

While another IUD such as Mirena is different than Paragard this device is designed for up to 5 years of work for contraceptive purposes. Other brands like Liletta or Skyla are also for short periods and they contain low doses of Progestin hormones.

How is an IUD inserted?

It would be a very exciting movement while inserting IUD devices inside your vagina. If you are going to insert it the first time then you should consult with some specialist who can help you to insert this device properly. This device would be the best choice if it is inserted correctly otherwise you won’t get any result.

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There is no time limitation for inserting this device you can insert this device at any time if you are not pregnant.

If you are seeking help then consult with your doctor it will take up to 15 minutes to insert this device at the right place inside your vagina. And the right place is the mouth of the cervix into the uterus. And one important thing is that you don’t have to use anesthesia while inserting this device.

To check your IUD:

1Wash your hands with soap and water.

2 insert your middle finger into your vagina to touch your cervix.

3 Feel for the string ends.

IUD Devices are contraceptive which is used by a woman who inserts them inside their vagina. But don’t feel free after inserting it. You must check it regularly if it is in the right place to check it. You should wash your hand and then insert your middle finger inside your vaginal till you touch the endpoint of the device.

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While feeling the devices you may feel that your devices are shorter or longer if you find the same then your device is at the right place and it is working properly and there is no need to worry. You would be able to touch only one end of inserted devices. You won’t be able to touch the heart end of devices that are connected with the cervix.

While getting any problems with IUD devices there is no need to become a self-made doctor you should immediately consult with your health provider, they will guide you on what to do or how to remove this device.

How effective is an IUD?

To check the Effectiveness of IUD at first you have to decide that you have inserted this device in the right place these devices are 99 percent effective for contraceptives. These types of devices are ever effective than other methods such as taking pills and one device can last up to 10 years.

What are the advantages of an IUD?

An IUD has many benefits. Among them are:



Convenience; IUDs don’t require preparation before mating

Can be used while breastfeeding

Quickly remove devices, if you want to get pregnant

Inexpensive; you have to pay only while buying the devices and are free for up to ten years.

 Menstrual pain

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Heavy periods

Pain from endometriosis

You can apply Paragard IUD devices for emergency uses. According to Planned Parenthood, it is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy if inserted within withn5 days of unprotected intercourse.

What are the disadvantages of an IUD?

As other contraceptive methods have gained and lost it depends on their use, if you are normal and you don’t have any medical history there are minor defects you may see while using this IUD device.

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It may be released allergy signs on your body if you find any signs of allergies then don’t use these devices and immediately consult with your health provider for further precautions.

IUDs have the following disadvantages:

They don’t protect against STIs

Insertion can be painful

Paragard may make your periods heavier

While using Paragard can worsen your periods so be careful and consult with your doctor while using them.

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If you have used another brand with a low dose of estrogen then your periods will be regular. And adjustment time with these types of devices is up to six months.


What is the risk of an IUD?

Everything contains two types of energy one that we like to you and another we don’t like to use but bear its consequences. While using IUD you may find some of the health-related problems that are known as risk factors for IUD.

how to insert IUD

While using these devices there are chances of getting an infection. At the time of inserting this device, there is a high risk that’s why it is recommended that consult with your doctor before inserting it.

IUDs devices aren’t recommended for women who:

Might be pregnant

Have untreated cervical cancer

Have uterine cancer

Have unexplained vaginal bleeding

Have multiple sexual partners

Para Gard isn’t recommended for women who are or might be, allergic to copper, or women who have Wilson’s disease.

Final words…

IUD is very useful for birth control. While using this device you should consult with your doctor they can help you to insert it in right place. If you are using it for the first time please don’t try it yourself.

IUD devices are used copper wire or estrogen or progestin types of hormones for birth control. While using it you may find that excess bleeding at beginning of using these devices.

There are many more other contraceptive methods available you can use them instead of an IUD if you like with the same results. Such as birth pills, shots, Implants, temperature methods, ancient practices, etc.

Note- all the information mentioned in this post is only for knowledge purposes. All the information is based on the research on different types of effects on your body which is justified at their source place that is mentioned below as the name of the trusted source you can check them if you want to know.


      Frequently Asked Questions.


How does an IUD work?

IUDs primarily work to prevent fertilization. The progestogen released from hormonal IUDs mainly works by thickening the cervical mucus, preventing sperm from reaching the fallopian tubes. IUDs may also function by preventing ovulation from occurring but this only occurs partially.

IUD is a small often T-shaped birth control device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. When this device is inserted inside your vagina it works to stop the sperms to meet with female eggs. Its shape is designed to stop sperm it contains cooper wire that is toxic to sperms. This is the working principle of the IUD.

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Copper IUD?

Copper IUDs do not contain any hormones but release copper ions, which are toxic to sperm. They also cause the uterus and fallopian tubes to produce a fluid that contains white blood cells. Copper ions, enzymes, and prostaglandins are also toxic to sperm. The very high effectiveness of copper-containing IUDs as emergency contraceptives implies they may also act by preventing implantation of the blastocyst.

IUD Side effects?

While using an IUD for birth control you may find some side effects that are very similar for all types of IUDs. While using them you will find bleeding pattern changes. Expulsion, Pelvic inflammatory disease. And rarely uterine perforation. A small probability of pregnancy remains after IUD insertion; it occurs a greater risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Types of IUDs?

There are two types of IUDs available in the market and that depends on how they work to stop ovulation. The one which uses copper for birth control. And another second is which uses estrogen or progestin types hormones for birth control.

Does the IUD cost very high?

IUD device's cost varies according to state and country as per our record the price of an IUD is about $1300 in the United States. You can check its price according to your country.

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What is the IUD Meaning?

IUD stands for Intrauterine Devices which mean a device that woman can insert inside their vagina to stop unwanted pregnancy. For a long time.

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 How to Make IUD insertion?

In the IUD insertion procedure, Health care providers use a speculum to find the cervix and then use an insertion device to place the IUD in the uterus. A tenaculum may be used to straighten the cervix. The insertion device goes through the cervix.

What is Mirena's IUD?

Mirena IUD is a brand-name IUD that releases the hormones levonorgestrel into the uterus. It is used for birth control, heavy menstrual periods, and to prevent the excessive build of the lining of the uterus in those on estrogen replacement therapy. It is one of the most effective forms of birth control with a one-year failure, rate of around 0.2%.

Trusted source:


Mayo Clinic Staff: 

ParaGard (Copper IUD): 

Meaning of intrauterine device: 



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