Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator month by month

Pregnancy and weight have direct relation because “now you are two in one”. So, both of you need food, and nutrition to maintain your physics. A pregnancy weight chart will help you to calculate the right weight for a pregnant woman to maintain herself.


Pregnancy weigh gain chart

Prenatal nutrition is recommended for a woman before and during pregnancy. It has a profound effect on the development of infants. It is known as a critical time for healthy development for infants that help to optimal growth in later life.


A study at the National Institution of Health found that babies born to an obese mother have a higher probability to fail tests of fine motor skills which is the movement of small muscles such as the hands and fingers.


It is important to balance a healthy weight during pregnancy to minimize the risk of birth defects, and chronic conditions in adulthood such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases( CDC)



Recommended weight gain during pregnancy?


Pregnancy means not just gaining weight but the meaning of pregnancy is getting ready for birth to a healthy baby for the next generation. Pregnancy changes a woman’s daily life routines. Increasing weight during pregnancy is common & valuable for both mother and their child. 

During pregnancy, women like to eat more because what they eat is divided into two parts. that’s why a woman needs more food nutrients to maintain their appetite. These all nutrients will help the fetus's future development of mind-body and overall life.


A woman having a BMI of 18.5 to 24.8 is known as having a good or normal body weight. These types of women have a lower risk while birth to the baby. It is advised that a woman who has normal weight before pregnancy should gain a total of 11 kilograms to 17 kilograms throughout gestation.

which is below 500 grams per week in the second and third trimesters. According to the study, the normal weight gain during the first trimester is only 500 grams to 2 kilograms. You can maintain this just by talking with your doctor. they can help you maintain your good or normal weight during your pregnancy development.

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A proper healthy diet is essential for healthy weight gain during pregnancy. A common saying is that a woman is eating for two, according to a study 350 calories more are needed during the second trimester and 450 calories more in the third trimester. Healthy choices should be good for extra calories such as whole-grain products fruits and vegetables or other alternative food items. To maintain a normal weight during pregnancy.


The Institute of Medicine provides a weight gain guideline based on Pre-pregnancy BMI, which is shown in the table below.


Recommendations for total weight gain during pregnancy by pre-pregnancy BMI

weight BMI during pregnancy


It is a misunderstanding that gaining weight during your pregnancy wills increases your fetus's weight. But the reality is that your body will consume the weight to maintain the development of different tissues of breasts and allow fetal development. Weight gaining is important during pregnancy.


birth weight chart


Potential complications of suboptimal weight gain.

Weight gain during pregnancy is required by all women but in some cases, women don’t know it is important and they either go over the proper weight or don’t try to increase weight. Both cases are dangerous for fetus development. 

Gaining weight is important for a baby’s development and the underweight situation may increase the critical health situation for the baby. which may appear in the future these are some common complications that pregnant women should mind to maintain their weight during their pregnancy. Being overweight can cause a cesarean section which is also known as a C-section birth.


Here are some recommendations for pregnant women?


While getting prepared for conceiving you should keep these things in mind to maintain a healthy body weight during your pregnancy.

Gestation Stages: These are the time of embryo development inside the womb and also help from conception to birth. That gestation life is about 40 weeks and it is divided into three parts that are known as trimesters. And they are based on physiological fetal development.


Germinal stage: it starts just about 2 weeks after fertilization, in this stage egg and sperm create a zygote which is further divided into the outer layer and inner cells from the placenta and fetus respectively.

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Embryonic Stage: its periods are 2 weeks to 8 weeks. At this stage, the blastocyst develops into an embryo, where all the necessary organs develop into a baby.


Fetal stage: this state starts after 9 weeks and in this period embryo rapidly develops and converts into a fetus and is able to be visible.


Pre-pregnancy weight and gestational Weight Gain Process by a woman?


The amount that we eat helps to increase weight and is closely connected with gestational stages. At this time a woman's body starts expansion of maternal tissues to store fetal development. In ith first trimester, a normal weight gain is 0.5-2 kilograms normal and the weight of the embryo is only 6 grams at this stage.


In the second and third trimesters, the fetus starts rapid weight growth and the weight increases to about 3-4 kilograms.

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At the time of pregnancy, a normal weight is required for the mother when she enters gestation. Which is responsible for the development of infants?



The normal weight of the woman 


At the time of pregnancy if a woman’s BMI is 18-25 it would be known as healthy body weight. And they have a lower risk of pregnancy success; it is advised that women with a normal weight can increase only 11 kilograms to 16 kilograms normal according to stages.

Underweight woman


A pregnant woman whose BMI is below 18 known as underweight pregnancy, can increase the risk of low birth weight in infants. Due to inadequate nutrients, a woman suffers from being underweight during their pregnancy.


Overweight and obese woman 


Being overweight or obese weight can increase the risk of birth and creates multiple health issues, if you have BMI over 25 is known as overweight or obese weight. 

Over 30 BMI is known as obesity so be careful while thinking about your weight during your pregnancy. And consulting with your health provider will help you to maintain your healthy weight during your pregnancy.


What to eat during pregnancy?

Eating during pregnancy, good food is your need to maintain good health for the baby and mother, there are many recommended healthy food diets for a pregnant lady to keep you healthy.


I recommend a pregnancy miracle to help a woman how to heal her body from the beginning of her pregnancy to after the pregnancy how can maintain her body weight by giving a healthy diet.

Pregnancy means lots of nutrients a healthy diet is required to keep healthy life without increasing heavy body weight if you also want to maintain your weight during your pregnancy. 

but also wants to get a healthy weight that helps to improve your ability to give birth to a healthy child that sounds like you should try a carbo-fix nutrients plan to maintain a good pregnancy diet.

At the time of pregnancy woman's minds swing and they need lots of healthy foods a piece of general advice for eating all the nutrients during pregnancy is needed for any woman. 

but all pregnant women should be aware that food items are the most nutrients for a pregnant lady. if you don’t know, then here we have listed a short but comprehensive food items list that will help you to understand healthy food items during pregnancy.


Folate and folic acid:


While pregnancy eating a healthy diet is compulsory, folate is also known as B9 and folacin, it is one of the most B vitamins which further converted into folate by the body and uses by dietary supplements and in food fortification as it is more stable during processing and storage. 

This is required to create DNA and RNA and is also important for cell division. According to a survey based in the U.S. an adult needs at least 400 micrograms daily of foods or other dietary supplements.

Folate was first discovered between 1931 and 1943 and now the world health organization has listed it as an essential medicine. The term folic is a Latin word that means leaf because it is present in the dark-green leafy vegetable so eat green leaves during your pregnancy and maintain your weight for a healthy child.




At the time of pregnancy, you need calcium, calcium is a chemical element and it is an alkaline earth metal, it is a reactive metal that forms a dark oxide-nitride layer when exposed to air.

Calcium is the most important fifth element in the human body. it works as electrolytes, calcium ions play a vital role in the physiological and biochemical processes of organisms and cells. 

It works as a second messenger, in neurotransmitter release from neurons. And help to contract all muscle cells.


Bone disease: as calcium is required for early bone development during pregnancy many bone diseases can be traced to the organic matrix or the hydroxyapatite in the molecular structure or organization of bone.


Vitamin D:

Is a group of the Fat-soluble vitamin families and is responsible for increasing the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 ad vitamin D2.

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In The U.S. and other countries, cow’s milk and plant-derived milk are the major sources of vitamin D, you can get it from cereals, mushrooms, and the sun.


Vitamin D plays a vital role in calcium homeostasis and metabolism. It is also a very important dietary substance that helps to keep away rickets. Which duration in children is 3 months to 18 months?


Taking protein during pregnancy is required for you and your baby. Protein is required for the development of tissues and other important activities for the baby’s overall development you can eat meat, fish, cheese, bean, and soy nuts, and also consult with your doctor for a healthy source of protein.




As adult and with pregnancy iron would be your requirement an adult human contains about 4 grams of iron which is 0.005% of total body weight. Iron is mostly used in hemoglobin and myoglobin. 

These two proteins play essential roles in vertebrate metabolism respectively oxygen transport by blood and oxygen storage in muscles. To maintain the levels, human iron metabolism requires a minimum of iron in the diet. It is also an active site of many important redox enzymes dealing with cellular respiration and oxidation and reduction in plants and animals.  

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During pregnancy iron is required for the development of the baby, infants may require iron supplements if they are bottle-fed cow’s milk, and frequent blood donors are at risk of low iron levels so it is advised to consult with your doctor and take a supplement.


Overdose of iron can b appear as a result of the genetic defect and also can be observed in chromosomes and leads to abnormally low levels of hepcidin.


A deficiency of iron or overtake of iron can harm a pregnant lady it can procure highly reactive free radicals that can damage DNA, proteins, lipids, and other cellular components. Overdose of iron can damage the cells of the gastrointestinal tract.


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You can get iron during your pregnancy while consuming red meat, oysters, lentils, beans, poultry, fish, leaf vegetables, watercress, tofu, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, and blackstrap molasses.


Points to consider during pregnancy 


After Pregnancy the ultimate goal of any lady is to give birth to a healthy and beautiful baby. Maintaining healthy and steady weight gain during pregnancy promotes overall health and reduces the incidence of prenatal morbidity and mortality. It is known for its positive effect on the baby’s health.


At the time of pregnancy, your carelessness will appear in the adult's health. the total recommended pregnancy weight gain depends on pre-depends on pre-pregnant body weight, and weight issues should be addressed before pregnancy.


Practical advice for mothers who are pregnant and thinking about weight.


There are some general tips for a pregnant woman if you apply then it would be very helpful throughout your pregnancy and after the child's birth. 

Pregnant women, they should maintain adequate physical activity to maintain energy levels for both of you. 

You should eat a balanced diet here are some healthy foods for pregnancy to minimize dehydration and constipation, taking a rich amount of water will support blood increases during pregnancy.

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If you find that fetus is surfing from a low birth weight you should increase the caloric intake for maintaining your weight.

Foods to avoid:

It is as important to avoid certain foods and activities during pregnancy as it is to consume foods with specific nutrients. Some of these include foods that are high in mercury, like a lot of seafood.


This is not an exhaustive list of all the foods that should be avoided during pregnancy, and if unsure, consult a medical professional. Generally, keep yourself healthy while paying special attention to food. 

Those are known to be beneficial or detrimental to babies, in particular, and will give your baby a better chance of being healthy.


Frequently Asked Question

frequently asked question


Pregnancy weight gain chart by week Kg

Pregnancy is divided into three stages which are known as trimesters all trimesters have their value to develop the fetus and according to these stages, your body weight will be different in each trimester for better understanding you should read the full article or just for the chart you can see above it is maintained already.


Weight gain during pregnancy month by month?

At the time of pregnancy from the first month to the ninth month, all month's requirements are different for fetus development are different. 

According to your stage and your requirement your body need more calorie, you eat enough that causes weight gain during pregnancy you should regularly consult with the doctor will be helpful to understand the progress of your weight gain and the health of your infants.

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Pregnancy weight gain calculator in the UK

At the time of pregnancy woman’s weight increases due to the need for extra calories. Your weight gain depends on many factors such as your height, age, and ethnicity these all vector is responsible for your weight to maintain good health in  The UK you should consult with your doctor they can suggest weight calculation you can click



Pregnancy weight loss calculator

Losing your weight during your pregnancy, at first, you should find out your BMI and then calculate how much weight you want to reduce and then you can join some yoga classes or you can start morning and evening walking these common ideas are quite helpful to reduce your weight during your pregnancy, consulting with the doctor will be very much helpful for you to think about it and then take any steps to reduces your weight during pregnancy.

Causes of excessive weight gain during pregnancy

At the time of conceiving a woman, the body goes through different stages which are known as pregnancy stages, in these stages, women need a healthy diet and the allure of a healthy child most women just ate and ate this is the main reason for weight gain during pregnancy, you are advised not to eat too much but eat only healthy food such as paleo diet or diet for a healthy pregnancy.

source of information:



Institute of medicine:



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