7 Things About vaginal lip warts treatment
Vaginal warts appear mostly in
those people who are sexually active and it is the most common type of sexually
transmitted infection in young couples. According to a medical survey it is
seen that people who indulge in sexual activity are prone to papillomavirus
(PVH), this virus is easily transmitted from one person to another and infects
Genital warts mean a wart that
appears on your genital area mostly appears on moist tissues of the vagina such
as on the lip of the vagina. You can see them sometimes and sometimes they are
so small that you can’t see them. it may be looks like a small colored flesh
bump. Sometimes it looks like cauliflower but your partner can identify them or
a medical examination can help you to identify them.
Here one thing is clear that
vaginal lip warts or genital warts appear on the moist tissues and some
of them can cause cancer while others are ordinary vaginal lip warts these
all are spread by sexual intercourse who don’t use protection and they have
multiple sex partners HVP is the virus that causes these types of vaginal lip
Symptoms of vaginal lip warts
Before knowing the treatments for
vaginal lip warts you must have to understand that is a wart because
sometimes people by mistake miss judged. So you must have to understand its
symptoms which help you to treat them easily at home or clinical what you
prefer most.
According to a medical survey on
most sexually active couples and normal active couples it is seen that in women
vaginal lip warts grow on their vulva’s wall. The vulva wall is the middle area
of the external parts of the vagina and the internal part of the vaginal. The
area of the anus, anal cavity, or sometimes cervix is also infected with
this type of genital warts.
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In men these types of genital
warts may appear on the tip or shaft of the penis or it may appear on the
scrotum vaginal warts are easily treatable and you can do them at home with regular
home remedies or you can take medical help to remove them permanently.
There are some other places where
genital warts can appear. it may appear on your mouth or your throat if you are
doing oral sexual activities with anyone who is infected with (PVH).
Symptoms of vaginal lip warts or genital warts in women
It may appear on the lip of your
vagina it also may be pink or red
Severe vaginal warts sometimes
appear in a form of a cauliflower-like shape
Itching or discomfort in your
genital area
Bleeding with intercourse
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Your vaginal lip wart sometimes
may be small and it may be larger and visible sometimes it is not visible it is
also seen that it may multiply themselves so it is important to identify them
and use proper treatments it can weaken your immunity systems.
When to see a doctor
Consulting with doctors depends
on your symptoms if you or your mating partners have any symptoms of warts
on the vaginal lip you can consult with doctors.
As we have already mentioned that
too much indulgence in mating activities causes HPV warts on the vaginal lip
according to medical examination it is found that there are more than 40 +
types of strains that cause genital warts on men's or women's genital areas.
Vaginal lip warts are one of them.
Risk factors
The risk factors may increases if
you are mating with multiple partners without any safety measures. these all
infections are done by the HVP virus to stay away from them you must have to
use a condom while having intercourse.
Having unprotected sex with
multiple partners
Having had another sexually
transmitted infection
Having sex with a partner whose
sexual history you don’t know
Becoming sexually active at a
young age
It may compress your immune
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Treatments of vaginal lip warts
As we know there is multiple
vaginal lip warts removal here some of them I am going to discuss so keep close
your attention to them. It is known that vaginal lip warts are diagnosed only
when they appear and their treatments are mentioned below.
Pap Tests
Pap tests are one types of
diagnosis to find out vaginal lip warts and this is done only for women, for
this treatment it is important to consult regularly with your doctor they
will do some types of pelvic examination. In this test, your doctor will see if the changes in your cervix that appear due to vaginal lip warts it may be early
signs of cervix cancer.
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While allowing yourself for a pap
test your doctor will use a device that will bring your vagina mouth to see the inner areas your doctor may also use a long-handle tool to collect a small
sample of your cervix cells to examine them.
HPV test
The HPV test is used to determine
the risk factors for your cervical cancer there few types of vaginal warts
that can cause cervical cancer in this test your doctor will collect cervix
cells to check if there is any cell that is related to cancer.
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These types of tests are done most
of the time for women who are older than in their 30s, this treatment is
not allowing younger women.
Other treatments for vaginal lip warts
Treatments are used to destroy or
remove the vaginal lip warts if they are hurting you irritating you or it is
itching, burning, or it releases pain. If you don’t have any symptoms like this
then you don’t have to go for treatments. You can ask your doctor who will
guide you on how to handle vaginal lip warts but here some of the medications
are available which will help you to remove them.
Some medications for vaginal lip warts removal
These treatments will allow you to apply directly on the affected area to remove vaginal lip warts for skin and they are.
Imiquimod (Aldara, Zyclara)
It is an external use ointment it helps to boost your immunity systems that help your body to fight against vaginal lip warts or any types of genital warts in men and women.
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it would be
best that don’t do mating activities while applying these creams it may
irritate your partner's skin. And also weaken condoms and diaphragms. While
using these creams you may experience skin redness, blisters, cough, body
aches, and fatigue.
Podophyllin and Podofilox
It is a plant-based resin that
can destroy the cells of warts and it is used for removing vaginal lip warts.
You should use them only externally and do not use them while pregnant you can
take the help of your doctor or you can use it at home yourself.
While using podofilox you may
experience some side effects such as mild skin irritation, sores, or pain.
Trichloroacetic acid
this is a chemical-based compound
that is used to remove vaginal lip warts if it is internally while using this
treatment you will allow burning the genital vaginal lip warts and you may have
to suffer from some side effects such as mild skin irritation, sores, or pain
to the related area.
Sinecatechins (Veregen)
It is a cream used for
vaginal lip warts removal treatments it is an external cream and also used for
removing anus warts while using them you may experience skin redness, itching
or burning, pain, etc.
It is recommended that don’t
allow any types of over-the-counter warts removal creams because they may harm your genital area always consult with a registered medical practitioner for the
treatments of vaginal lip warts removal.
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Surgical treatments for virginal lip warts removal
If your body has developed a larger vaginal lip wart then your doctor will allow surgical treatments for the removal of vaginal lip warts.
It is advised to you don’t allow surgical
treatment if you are pregnant it may harm your baby these types of surgery
Freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy)
in this treatment freezing is
allowed for the vaginal lip warts removal your doctor will freeze the surrounding
area. After a few days, your body will release new skin and your warts will
disappear it may take more than a one-time treatment. While using these
treatments you may experience pain or swelling or both.
In these treatments, your doctor
will use an electric current to burn the vaginal lip warts. You will experience
pain blisters swelling while applying this treatment.
Surgical excision
While allowing these treatments
your doctor may use special tools to cut off the vaginal lip warts. Your doctor
may use some medical anesthesia for the treatment, and it may be painful
for you after the surgery.
Laser treatments
Laser treatments are costly and
use to remove vaginal lip warts for women and men. In these treatments, your
doctor will use an electric light beam to remove your vaginal lip warts after
the treatments you may experience scarring and pain in the body or related
What women can do when they have vaginal lip warts?
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At firsts, they should create a
list of their symptoms of genital warts. Then they should do these
You should identify symptoms when
appearing on your genital area and describe them in your words and also check
for your sexual partner if they also have any symptoms.
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Sexual history
You must write down your mating
history and all the possible causes that can cause vaginal lip warts if you
have had unprotected intercourse with a new partner. This information will help
you to understand which treatments will be most effective for you in removing
vaginal lip warts.
The basic question you may ask your doctor while suffering from genital warts is.
What are the tests which I have
to do?
It would be allowed to test for sexually transmitted infections?
Which treatments would be best
for me?
How much time it will take to
How can I reduce the chances of
getting infections from others?
My partners also have to be
tested for this
Will it be back after the
Am I at risk of complications
related to genital warts?
Can I buy medication online what
websites do you recommend?
What to expect from your doctor.
While consulting with your
doctors they may ask so some of the questions they are including below.
How severe are your symptoms?
Do you practice safe sex? Have
you always done so?
Have you had intercourse recently
with a new partner?
Does your partner do their tests
for STI
Have you had the HPV vaccine?
Are you pregnant or planning to
become pregnant?
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What are the Complications while treating vaginal lip wart treatments?
Vaginal warts are appearing due
to infections and (HPV) causes these types of infection complications can
It is a matter of concern that
cervical cancer is closely related to vaginal lip warts which appear due to HPV
infections in women. There are certain types of HPV that cause cancers but it
is rare and not easily associated with all infections. You must consult with
your doctor and allows a Pap test to identify your conditions and save yourself
against cancer of the cervix.
Problems during pregnancy
It is rare to appear vaginal lip
warts during pregnancy if appear they may regularly increase their sizes. And it
will create problems while urinating and also can create difficulty while
birthing the child. It can cause heavy bleeding stretching the vaginal wall.
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If you have a genital wart it
would be difficult to birth a normal delivery and if a baby is born if their
mom has a genital wart then a wart will or may appear on the throat of the
baby and it will be removed by surgical therapy so think about it and do as
your doctor recommend.
To prevent vaginal lip warts or any genital warts you must control your mating activities and also use protection while having intercourse it is the best treatment to minimize risks of genital warts or vaginal lip warts.
You must use condoms every time you can
use a female condom if your male partner is not using it because it is your
body and you have the right to protect them against any infections. We have
listed some tips to save yourself against genital warts there are mentioned
Vaccination can help you to stay away from vaginal lip warts in women
At present, there are three types
of HPV vaccine approved by the FDA. And they are GArdasil9 vaccine is
used for both males and females ages 9 to 45 to protect against cervical cancer
and genital warts.
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According to CDC, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention had recommended that a woman should be
vaccinated to protect against these types of woman health-related issues. These
vaccines are used for women and men who are at least 9 years old.
These vaccines must be taken
before any sexual activities, it is also seen some side effects while using the
vaccine for virginal lip warts removal or treatments and it may be headaches,
fever, or flu-like symptoms
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A new publication of the CDC
recommends that all 11 and 12 years-olds receive two doses of HPV vaccine
within six months apart Earlier there were three vaccines for this but now only
two vaccines are recommended. New research has proved that these vaccines are
useful only if you are over 15 years.
Final words…
There are multiple treatments are
available for vaginal lip warts treatments. Such as pap tests and home remedies
and vaccines you can use any of them but you should consult with your doctor
they will help you to choose the best treatment for your vaginal lip warts
removal at home or a clinic.
Vaginal lip warts are the result
of your unprotected mating activities so keep in mind that using a condom while
you are going to create a relationship also should limit your partner
to protect your vaginal from these types of health issues.
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