Can Douching Slow Down Your Discharge?


Modern life and modern women think about trying new things with themselves some of them do it because of problems, while others do it as amusements or because of ignorance. Douching is one process that is going popular among women nowadays.



Can Douching Slow Down Your Discharge


For douching women use a device to clean their lady part it is also used for medical reasons and it has great consequences on your reproductive health.


Douches are generally referred to vaginal irrigation, the rinsing of the vagina, but it can also refer to the rinsing of any body cavity. Douching equipment is a piece of the bag that contains things for douching. we avoid transferring intestinal bacteria into the vagina and do not use the same bag for an enema and another vaginal douche.


Douching after intercourse is not effective for birth control. Douching is associated with several health problems, including cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, and an increased risk of  STIs. So douching is not recommended.


What is Douching and its Consequences


Vaginal douche is an instrument for douches and it contains some herbs, and water, mixed with vinegar or it may contain some chemicals.


Douching has unproven benefits. Douching is used to clean the vagina of unwanted odors.

While having intercourse during menstruation a woman likes to douche to avoid smearing her penis with menstrual blood.


Douches are also used after mates as a method of birth control but it is not effective.

According to health professionals douching is dangerous, as it interferes with both the vagina's normal self-cleaning and with the natural bacterial culture of the vagina and can help to spread infections.


Douching is not safe for  health and it is known as dangerous, if you are douching then you may have some problems with achieving pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, low birth, preterm birth, and some other serious gynecologic issues


Douching also causes cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, and an increased risk of STI (sexually transmitted infections) and HIV too.


 What are the Consequences of Douching


If you douche it will disturb the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and can cause infections. It can help pathogens to enter your uterus.


Douching can remove the bacteria from the uterus and fallopian tubes that may cause infertility problems.


This is the reason the practice of douching is now strongly discouraged except when ordered by your doctor for medical reasons. If you are douching right after the intercourse it will help you to reduce the chances of getting pregnant by up to 35%.


Sometimes douching creates a force of ejaculation into the vagina which may increase the chances of getting pregnant.


Is it safe?


Douching is not safe and not healthful for any woman because it may remove essential bacteria from your vagina and uterus that cause serious reproductive health issues.


Remember your vagina is designed to auto-clean itself, so you no need to douche to clean it.


Can Douching Slow Down Your Discharge?


Douching is not healthful if it is not prescribed by your doctor. It mismatches the vaginal flora and kills the healthy bacteria. Which is healthful for your vaginal health and maintaining the pH balance of the vagina?


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Without your doctor's recommendation if you are douching it may create complications with your reproductive health and they are…


Pregnancy problems


Douching regularly can cause fertility issues and causes early childbirth, miscarriage, and can cause longer periods, abnormal vaginal discharge, and pregnancy complications. If you like to douche probably you won’t be able to conceive.





Douching can disturb the balance of healthy bacteria which support women to achieve pregnancy or other reproductive health-related issues. If you like douching then it may disturb them and can cause infections such as yeast infection, Bv sometime it may increase or decrease the natural flow of vaginal discharge.


If you are douching more than five times it may develop bacterial vaginosis then who does not douche?


It is also seen that a few women douche just for washing their lady part internally and think that it will remove the infection-related elements. But it is a wrong conception. Douching can support your infection to grow faster than those who don’t douche.


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)


Your habit of douching can cause PID which means pelvic inflammatory disease. These types of infections are related to reproductive organs and the common reason for PID is STIs.

Douching increases a woman's risk of PID by 73 % one eight women with a history of PID have difficulty getting pregnant.




Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix. Like PID, cervicitis is often the result of STIs. Unnecessary douching also causes this.


What is The Best Vaginal Cleaning Process


Nature has fixed all the pieces of equipment with women to clean their private parts naturally so they don’t need to clean them forcibly.


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If you are not satisfied with natural cleaning then you can wash your genital parts during a bath with water or you can use some of the items which are used for safely vaginal wash. While washing your vagina do not use any scented products or fragrances or any chemicals it can irritate you after the cleaning.


With one hand, from a V with your first two fingers to hold back the outside skin and spread out the folds of your vagina.


To wash your genital parts you can use mild soap or warm water several times.


While cleaning the vagina do not scrub the fold and do not use soap inside.


Gently rinse the genital area with cold or warm water until you see it is clean perfectly.

Use a towel for making the genitals dry.


When to see a doctor


 A few signs may indicate you have a more serious problem and need to see a doctor. These include.


Vaginal discharge with a strong smell

Vaginal discharge that is white or yellow-green

The virginal odor is persistent and doesn’t end after a few days

Burning, itching, and redness or swelling in or around the vagina

Pain or discomfort during intercourse

Pain during urination


How to prevent vaginal odor


As our body has its odor vagina also has its odor so don’t bother about that. The odor may be different for every woman and it changes from time to time such as doing exercise or having intercourse so don’t be disturbed if your experience that your genital odor has changed.

To reduce the strong vaginal odor you may take these steps.



 What is the right Process for Douching

Gently wash your genitals regularly

Don’t use soaps it may irritate you

Use cotton underwear


Check time to time is there any moisture is present then clean them and make your genital area clean and dry.


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Wear undergarments made from 100 % cotton, which is breathable and can keep away sweat and other fluids.


Use deodorizing products carefully


Sprays and powders may help mask vagina odor, but don’t use them inside your vagina. they are commonly safe on the outside of your vagina.

Don’t use harsh cleansers


Do not allow any chemicals for douching your vagina. douching can upset your vaginal flora so think about it and use only genuine products to avoid any irritation.



Final words…


Your vagina is a self-cleaning machine it can remove all the unnecessary elements such as semen, periods of blood, and other fluids without any agitation naturally. Douching is not healthful for any lady and douching can up or down the natural flow of vaginal discharge.


Your doctor can help you to understand the situation when you douche your vagina.


There may be multiple ways to wash your vagina without douches and you can read the above mentions. Douching can disturb the natural flow of vaginal discharge so don’t douche.

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