How to Stop Teenage Pregnancy |

Teenagers getting pregnant nowadays as we heard almost every day on news or social media platform and it is true. Teenagers' pregnancy is a concern for society.

But teenagers pregnancy has not developed today its history is very long earlier time parents like to merry their children just after the menstruation has started and it is still in fashion.

how to stop teenage pregnancy

Sometimes due to lack of proper sex education also causes teenage pregnancy.

Some other reason is the present lifestyle and watching online images and video also instigates boys and girls to make an unprotected relationship and they experience teenagers pregnancy.

Effects of  Teenage Pregnancy on Girls Health

Key facts 

As per WHO reports at least 12 million teenagers get pregnant under 14-19 years. And lum-sum I million of girls who are below the age of 14 years give births each year in developing country at present time according to data reported.


At least 10 million unintended pregnancies occur each year among adolescent girls aged 15-19 years in the developing country.

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With teenager's pregnancy complications most of the girls are dying early at 14 to 19 years of age globally and we have to think about it.

At least 5.6 million abortions occur every year for teenagers pregnancy in them around 4 million pregnancies are unsafe for both mother and baby. after the teenager's pregnancy and delivery, women have to face mortality, morbidity, and lasting health problems with them.

While getting pregnant at adolescent girls under age 10 to 18 years have to face a higher risk of life-threatening situation such as eclampsia, puerperal endometritis, infections in reproductive organs and they has to face high risks while delivering the baby such as low birth, preterm delivery, etc.


Causes of Early Teenage Pregnancy

According to WHO every year at least 21 million girls who belong to the age group of 13-18 years in a developing country are being pregnant and more them 65% of their birth to the child. Around one million births occur with adolescent pregnancy with a minimum age of 14 years in a developing country.

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In the last 2 decades, the global rate of adolescent pregnancy has fallen more the 11% / year. But some of the countries have risen the rate of teenage pregnancy and delivery.

. According to WHO reports there are vast differences in different countries, for example, East Asia has more then7% and central Africa has 129% of adolescent pregnancy and issues.

There are also enormous variations within regions in 2018, the overall adolescent fertility rate in South-East Asia was 33% rate. Some democratic country such as Korea has 83% and Bangladesh.

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All the results vary on their geological conditions as we have discussed above developing country has a higher rate than a developed country.

According to o report, the estimated global adolescent fertility rate is diminishing but still, there is some part of the reason which has the largest rate of adolescent pregnancy such as eastern Asia has the largest number of teenagers pregnancy and birth (95155) and western Africa has more than 70k pregnancy.



Girls Life After Early Pregnancy

Teenagers pregnancy is also known as adolescent pregnancy and it is a global issue for developing and developed countries and we have to contribute our right information to our teenagers to avoid any hardships in their life.

There is some reason behind teenagers' pregnancy they are poverty and lack of education and no employment opportunities.

Due to poverty, girls have to accept the situation for food and they got pregnant.

adolescent pregnancy solutions

Lack of education also causes adolescent pregnancy due to low knowledge couples unable to think about how to use contraceptive methods or sometimes they don’t know where to buy contraceptive pills or other things and they got pregnant.

Underage pregnancies are common in some countries that believe girls should merry just after menstruating begins. And the country who are poor and lack proper education for their subjects if they solve the education problems they can help them to overcome from adolescent pregnancy.

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It is also seen that women are forced to marry just after menstruation begins but it is not the right time for getting married and bearing a baby. in a developed country at least 40% of girls get married before the age of adulthood and at least 12 of them who marry under the age of 14 these are the main reason for teenagers pregnancy but we can stop it just educating them by different methods for awareness.

Teenage pregnancies occur because a girl has to face barriers while trying to get prevention methods no one teach them how to use prevention methods while having mates.


Health consequences

When teenagers get pregnant and they births the child it is not the end of the situation but it is starting the problems with them and may last forever so proper knowledge is the only medicine to make women aware about how to avoid teenagers pregnancy.

Adolescence pregnancy is a bigger problem for our society and we can solve it by just sending the right information to everyone.

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Due to teenagers' pregnancy, every ears a large number of girls are dying due to pregnancy complications which occurs due to underage.

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low-and middle-income countries account for 99% of global maternal deaths of women aged 15 -40 years. Teenage pregnancy is mostly seen with a girl who belongs 10 to 18 years and they have to face pregnancy complication that causes death.

Teenage pregnancy may increase the life-threatening situation for mother and newborn baby too. At least 4million unsafe abortions are done among 14-19 years age of girls every year. And then girls have to face multiple health-related issues.

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If you birth a baby before achieving the age of maturity then your baby may be low birth complications or your delivery will be preterm.

Social and economic consequences


According to social life, it is known as stigma and people like to hate the women who got pregnant without getting married.

After knowing the reality about unmarried pregnant women having to suffer from their partner sometimes they have to suffer violence, rejection, etc.

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Girls who get pregnant before reaching the age of 18 have to suffer from health-related issues 

and has to bear hate speeches with their partners or other relatives these types of activities sometimes instigate girls to commit suicide.

Teenage pregnancy is the main reason for dropping school by the girls. Remember your education is most important so never drop your education before completing them it will help you to manage your life in the future for employment and social justice.


 Teenage pregnancy problems and solutions

Teenagers pregnancy or adolescent pregnancy is the result of our narrow mindset toward women. the modern worlds or ancient worlds they all things that women are only for male amusement they are their playing instrument and now we are watching this type of situation which we do not accept publicly but this is the reality of our society.

teen pregnancy & women health

Teenagers' pregnancy can help to transmit multiple diseases from one person to another person and finally they create major issues for life for society.

We need to properly educate our young siblings about sexual education if you fail to do so then higher some specialists can teach them how to behave during adolescence.

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WHO has to prepare guidelines for preventing early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes in teenagers in developing countries?

As the world has transitioned to the sustainable development goals era, teenagers have moved to the center of the global health and development agenda.

WHO works to strengthen the evidence base for action and to support the application of the evidence through well-designed and well-designed and well-executed national and sub-national programmers? For example, WHO works closely with UNICEF, UNFPA, and UNWomen on a global program to accelerate action to end child marriage. It also collaborates with family Planning 2020- a global partnership working to enable 120 million more women and girls to access contraceptives by 2020.

Final words…

Teenage pregnancy is a big problem for our society and we have to work together to solve this problem. 

When a girl and a boy meet they don’t think properly about the consequences of intercourse they just enjoy and later they have to suffer.

It is the duty of every parent to teach their siblings how to handle their feeling and emotions if you will be able to teach them I am sure we will be able to overcome form these types of situations.

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We should organize proper ads for education at a mass level this ad will be based on how to avoid adolescent pregnancy and what are its bad consequences’ which only a girl has to bear.

We should allow them to know briefly about their sex organs and preventing methods because it is natural and we require intercourse so we can’t stop them from not having intercourse but we can teach them how to avoid pregnancy while unprotected intercourse.




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