Simple Signs of Liver Disease In Pregnancy

 Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy/ liver problems during pregnancy signs and symptoms

ICP is a liver condition that can increase your risk of problems, including premature birth, stillbirth, and heavy bleeding after birth.


If you have any signs of symptoms of ICP, like feeling itchy on the palms of your hands or soles of your feet, tell your health care provider.


liver problems during pregnancy

Consulting with a health provider will help you to choose the right medicine to relieve itching and support your liver to work well with those conditions. This treatment will help you to reduce your risk of stillbirth.


ICP usually goes away a few days after you give birth.


If you are infected with liver problems once there are maximum chances that it will appear in a future pregnancy.


What are liver diseases during of pregnancy?


Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (also called (ICP or cholestasis of pregnancy) is the most common liver condition that happens during pregnancy. The liver is the largest organ in your body and helps your body to digest just breaking down foods and removing poisons.

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Your liver has multiple jobs to perform for a healthy life. The liver helps to break down fat elements and eliminate toxins elements from your body. it slows the normal flow of bile juice and causes your liver to control bile secretion. These liver diseases cause toxic elements to spread in your liver that damage your liver badly so think about it and do as your health provider directed you.


During pregnancy, a woman experiences it more commonly during the third trimester but some can experience it before the third trimester.


ICP affects about 1 to 2 in 1000 pregnant women (less than 1 %) in the United States, and it’s more common in Latina women. About 5 in 100 Latina women (5%) in this country have ICP

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What does ICP cause during pregnancy? 


If you have liver problems it may create a deadly risk for you and your baby which includes.

Premature birth- it means a baby takes birth Before 37 weeks of pregnancy. While having premature birth means your baby has to suffer more than a normal baby does.


Fetal distress- it means your baby is not getting enough oxygen supply inside the womb. Signs of fetal distress include reduced fetal movement (when your baby moves less often than usual), changes in your baby’s heart rate, and your baby passing meconium. Meconium is your baby’s first bowel movement. Usually, a baby passes meconium after birth but in some conditions, it happens inside the womb into the amniotic fluid.

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Stillbirth- means if a fetus dies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy Is called a stillbirth.



Meconium aspiration- a situation when a baby experiences breathing problems in women.

If your baby breathes in, meconium during birth, it can block his airways.


Respiratory distress syndrome- ( also called RDS) RDS is a breathing problem that happens in newborns whose lungs have not yet fully developed. Babies with RDS don’t have enough surfactant, a slippery substance that helps the lungs fill with air and keeps the small air sacs in the lungs from collapsing. RDS is common in premature babies.


Postpartum hemorrhage- (also called PPH). This is heavy bleeding after giving birth. It’s a serious but rare condition.

What causes ICP or liver disease


It is not sure and still, research works are going on to identify the exact reasons for ICP or liver problems during pregnancy. It is seen that pregnancy hormones and genes are the culprits for that. 

According to medical examination, genes are the most common for this because they store the information and instruction that help a baby to grow and everything. Genes are passed from parents to children. 

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During the third trimester of pregnancy, your body asks more of the pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone



When because of these hormones your body reacts slowly then your liver works slowly for bile secretion and a woman experiences liver problems during pregnancy.


 There is more research to do to identify the exact reasons for ICP in women during pregnancy.


ICP Liver Risk During Pregnancy


According to medical research, more than half of women suffer from a liver problem during pregnancy. It would be more common if you have any family history of ICP. 

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ICP stands for liver diseases during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance in women, so it is advised to you to give the right information to your doctor if you have any liver problems earlier it will help your doctor to treat you well with your present liver problem during pregnancy.


Severe risks of liver problems during pregnancy


If you have any history of liver-related diseases such as hepatitis C, hepatitis C is a liver disease that causes by the hepatitis c virus which is known as HVC and causes swelling in your liver.


Hepatitis c usually spreads through infected blood. If you are mating without any protection then there is a big chance that you may be infected with this during pregnancy and mating, so the thing about it and use protection. if you are going to mate with infected persons.

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A gene change is a change to instructions that are stored in a gene. Do you know that human genes can change and pass new information to the fetus?

Are pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets, or more) If you're pregnant with multiples, your estrogen levels may be higher than if you were pregnant with just one baby.


What are the symptoms Of ICP?


There are some simple signs and symptoms that help you to identify that he or she is suffering from liver diseases such as a rash on your body or coughing. Simple symptoms of liver problems that will be visible to everyone is a sore throat or feeling of dizziness


These symptoms may be easy to severe and might appear in your second or third trimester so be careful if you have liver problems during pregnancy. Take action and call your healthcare team.

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Severe itching and itchy skin is the most common symptom of ICP you may itch all over your body, but it may be most severe on the palms of your hands and the bottom of your feet. Itching may be the worse at night and it may wake you up or make it hard to sleep.


Dark urine or light-colored bowel movements


Jaundice is a liver disease if you have jaundice it will be visible to you and everyone with this disease a person’s eyes look yellow and their body's color will also change into yellow. The main reason for jaundice Is not working your liver properly and low secretion of bilirubin in the blood.


Loss of appetite (not hungry)


Nausea Is a feeling of sickness in your stomach or pain in the upper belly

If you are suffering from liver disease during pregnancy or not to find out the result your doctor will make a test or physical exam or blood test to identify liver problems or ICP. The blood test checks the number of bile acids and other chemicals in your blood that show how well you’re liver is working.


How is ICP or Liver Disease treated? 


Talk to your provider about treatment for ICP, they will help you to choose the right medicine for liver problems during pregnancy.


During pregnancy, women need more attention to treat their liver problems, when it would confirm your health care provider will suggest proper medicine Ursodiol is one of them which helps to reduce the symptoms and support your liver to get well just lower the secretion of bile acid in your blood. 

This also helps you to relieve itchy skin and create protection on your body against any complicated liver issues.


Without your doctor's permission, any medicine may harm you and your baby so, consult first. It is recommended you that don’t use any medicines to relieve itching it may harm you.

? It is advised you that don’t use any medicine or over-the-counter cream for relieving itching without your doctor's permission because none of them will work if you are suffering liver problems during pregnancy. 

You can use lukewarm water to soak your body. it will help you to feel good while suffering from liver problems during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider will help to monitor your baby while pregnant and suffering from ICP.


Fetus care instruction with liver Disease 


Amniocentesis- this is a test that takes some amniotic fluid from around your baby in the uterus (also called the womb) by using this test your doctor will check birth defects and the genetic condition of the baby. your doctor may use ultrasound or other suitable medical instruments to make sure your baby is ok or not.

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Fetal heart rate monitoring (also called a non-stress test or NST)- This test checks your baby’s heart rate in the womb and sees how the heart rate changes when your baby moves.


Biophysical profile (also called BPP)- this test combines a non-stress test with an ultrasound. Your healthcare provider will use different methods to identify the proper amount of amniotic fluid in your womb for the baby to grow.

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Your doctor will allow you to consume medicine to break your water for labor.

If your baby needs to be delivered before 39 weeks ask your provider about the type of care your baby may need.


Does ICP Reoccur after you give birth?


It is not sure but your health provider will allow you for blood tests after giving birth to make sure your liver is functioning properly if everything is ok then there is no chance of recurring them.


Final words...

during pregnancy, women need more care to stay fit if you have any history of liver disease then there are maximum chances that it will back with the next pregnancy. 

if you have any symptoms of liver disease then seek information and do as your health provider ordered.

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