What is Hyper Function of the Thyroid Gland?


In this condition, thanks to the bodily function of the ductless gland, there is associated increased production of thyroid hormones that area unit perpetually pushed into the blood, so that the total metabolism of the body gets elevated.


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As explained on top of, solitary nodule/s in an exceedingly ductless gland or nodule/s of a multinodular disease could become answerable for the bodily function of the ductless gland.

What causes this?

The whole ductless gland could become enlarged in several old or younger persons. The blood offer in such associate enlarged secreter is also increased markedly so that on inserting a hand on such a ductless gland, a thrill is also felt. This reaction to thyroid sickness is termed hyperthyroidism - named once Robert Graves.


As a result of the increased metabolism/ activity of the body, the patient feels restless, tense, or excited, and even shows emotional upset. Fine tremors of the fingers/hands area unit are typically noticed once the patient is asked to stretch forward each of his arms with fingers opened wide.


Due to constant reason, the guts rate is markedly increased, and palpitation could be a traditional criticism. The pulse, whereas sleeping ought to be counted to differentiate the condition from nervousness/anxiety, during which case the heartbeat rate ought to be traditional. To measure the vital sign, the higher or pulse vital sign ought to be elevated, and also the lower heartbeat ought to show a lower level. The distinction between these 2 readings of the vital sign is termed pulse pressure, which will increase in such cases.

Hyper function

In some cases, and additional thus in young patients, alternative manifestations of the guts, like supraventricular arrhythmia, cardiac arrhythmia, and symptom failure could occur, and one might imagine a basic heart drawback instead of a thyroid sickness.

Other Symptoms

Another symptom of associated active ductless glands could be a loss of weight despite associated increased appetency. The skin is dampish and heated even in atmospheric conditions, and one will simply feel this by touching the hands of the patient. particularly in hyperthyroidism, the eyes could look distinguished, or could even bulge (exophthalmos).

 read also: natural remedy for underactive thyroids

Early symptoms/warning signals of an active thyroid gland 

Despite the top of symptomatology, the patient is commonly late in coverage his drawback, is also over a year, in several cases. Hence, whenever, one observes symptoms like palpitation, particularly once there's an associated increased rate in sleep, nervousness, and loss of weight, one should explore for a swelling/ nodule/ s within the thyroid and/or instantly consult the medical practitioner. it's common to examine a patient with a fairly enlarged ductless gland and he/she is completely unaware of it.

hyper function

The sickness may very well stay hidden for quite a while and will be precipitated once the patient feels mentally upset thanks to unforeseen circumstances. One ought to be additionally cautious once there's a positive case history of hyperthyroidism.


Late cases of the active thyroid gland


However, if the patient has neglected his ill, at some point, weakness in the muscles of the limbs could develop (thyrotoxic myopathy). He could even suffer from a heavy disorder/emergency known as a gland disease crisis.

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